Experience the fantastic Upside Down House

Experience the fantastic Upside Down House

The Upside Down House believes in being different, being fun and most important of all, being upside down. I really want the audience to feel that zero gravity experience as you do as you walk around this house!

I started out making the storyboard after finding inspiration from the videoclip made by Junkie XL ‘Little Less Conversation’. I had to think about the story upside down and how to make people move enough in the frame. As I was also hired to do the photography. I had to think about the story in stills and in motion… it needs to be snappy and versatile enough and it needs to be fun and funky. Most of all it needs to capture the imagination within 59 seconds.

The question I kept asking myself was: What would spark the audience to visit this attraction?

Tom Burn used the camera as I directed him and the ‘actors’. Once the shoot was completed, the best part happened in the editing room! Puzzling hours of footage and finding the right music track. It needed to be rebellious and cool. Once I found that it all came into place and it just flowed.

It has been a pleasure working with Tom Burn, Nick Collins (producer), the Upside Down House team and all the actors.

Two kids reaching out for the toy on the floor

Girl is relaxing on the ceiling

  • Date: April 01, 2019